A few days only after been released from the Charité hospital in Berlin, leading Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny gave an interview to Der Spiegel in which he pointed the role Putin in his poisoning.

“I assert that Putin is behind this act, I don’t see any other explanation,” Navalny told yesterday the to german magazine. “The order to use or produce it can only come from two men – the head of the FSB or the head of SWR, the foreign intelligence service,” he added.

Responding to the interview, the Kremlin’s spokesman said there was no evidence that Alexei Navalny had been poisoned with a nerve agent. He added that the the opposition leader was working with CIA agents.


Taking about the regional elections that took place in Russia, Navalny said that they “showed how political reality had changed”.
µ”A candidate for election in a major Russian city is listed on the ballot as “Coordinator of the Navalny Staff” and he gets 50 percent of the vote against Tomsk’s most important oligarch. In Novosibirsk, our candidate got 45 percent,” he said to Der Spiegel. “Tomsk was a victory and Novosibirsk was a success.

The next step for Alexei Nalvany is preparations for Duma elections in 2021. And to continue targeting Putin’s party. “We have to destroy the power monopoly enjoyed by United Russia. We do that by tactically organizing votes in a political environment that usually doesn’t even permit truly independent candidates,” he explained.

Alexei Navalny was poisoned with the nerve agent Novichok on August 20 in the Siberian city of Tomsk. The findings were confirmed by labs in France and Sweden.

  • Main photo > Alexei Navalny in Berlin. Credit : Instagram account @Navalny