The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) is calling on the French government to protect businesses in the Ducos industrial zone as quickly as possible, in order to save “the little that’s left of our economy”.

In a press release issued late this morning, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) urges the State to protect Ducos’ remaining businesses. “While to date more than 150 businesses have been looted and set on fire, leaving more than 1,000 employees out of work, the Ducos industrial zone, New Caledonia’s true economic lung, has been abandoned to its fate,” deplores the CCI. Yet, “every minute that passes sees new businesses, still unscathed, being looted and destroyed.”

An appalling economic disaster

For the CCI, the preservation of production tools and businesses is essential to limit, in the future, “our even greater dependence on imports and a weakening of our already damaged balance of trade”. Aware that “the absolute priority remains the protection of individuals”, the entrepreneurs are nevertheless imploring the authorities to secure Ducos in order to save “what little remains of our economy”.